Health DescriptionHealth consultation description: What Is
Varicocele? What are the home remedies for varicocele?
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Varicocele is a medical condition in which there is enlargement of veins in the skin within which the scrotum lies. This condition is similar to another condition called varicose veins which occurs in the legs.
Varicocele Side Effects: Varicocele is the main cause for an individual having low sperm count resulting in infertility, although not all forms of Varicocele affect the sperm count. Varicocele may also cause the testicles to get shrunken. Varicocele tends to develop with passage of time and does not develop suddenly. This condition is quite easily diagnosed and does not require any specific treatment. There are some cases of Varicocele in which some symptoms are observed requiring surgical treatment for Varicocele.
Home Remedies for Varicocele
1. Natural ingredients like alstonia, bilberry, autumn joy, butcher's broom, mukkuti, horse chestnut, piper cubeba and psyllium are known to help. Do consult a herbalogist or your doctor before trying these remedies.
2. Another home treatment that you can try is planning a diet that helps you. Foods that should be avoided include margarine, junk food, animal fats, processed foods, caffeine, hydrogenated oils, sugar, fast foods, alcohol, and white flour products .While whole grains, fish oil, fish, olive oil, essential fatty acids, flaxseed oil, poultry, and fresh fruits and vegetables are highly recommended. Foods with high fiber content will help as they aid in the digestive tract working normally. Lack of sufficient could lead to constipation, which, in turn, leads to pressure on veins in the bowel region, and the floor of the pelvis. Including foods that contain flavanoids is also advisable as the blood vessels get stronger. Organic food is preferable, and make sure that you are hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, particularly water.
3. Vitamin supplements of vitamins C and E and zinc and bioflavanoid supplements also help.
4. An athletic supporter will definitely give you some relief; consult your doctor on what will be suitable for you.