( GV-15 Gate of Muteness YAMEN - Acupuncture Points ) On the occiput, on the posterior midline, in the depression between the 1st (atlas) and 2nd (axis) cervical vertebrae, approximately 0.5 cun inferior to GV-16 (directly below the external occipital protuberance).
How to find
The external occipital protuberance is a hump-shaped projection on the posterior surface of the occipital bone, on the midline and slightly superior to the craniocervical junction. GV-16 is located in a depression on the posterior midline that you can palpate directly inferior to the protuberance.

0.5 cun superior to the posteror hairline.
Located on the same level is --BL-10 (on the lateral aspect of the trapezius muscle).
0.5–1 cun strictly perpendicularly in an inferior direction. Caution: Injury to the cervical marrow. According to classic texts, moxibustion is contraindicated.
Benefits the tongue, ears, neck and spine
Dispels Wind
Clears Yang Heat/excess
Special features
Meeting point with the yang wei mai. Sea of Qi point.