In terms of a home remedy for gall bladder problems; the juice of vegetables can be very helpful. To cleanse your gall bladder and treat any disorders with this organ, consuming at least 4 ounces of beet, carrot, and cucumber juice will do the trick. You should take this mixture a couple times a day.
There is a good natural treatment for gall bladder problems I want to share with you. You should eat a pear whenever you have an opportunity to do so. Even having some pear juice is very beneficial. All gall bladder problems including gallstones can be helped by pears and/or pear juice. It actually has a healing effect on the gall bladder.
Here are some good natural remedies for gall bladder problems that you should look into. One such remedy involves the seeds, roots, and flowers of chicory or endive plant. These are considered very important in treating gall bladder problems. The dosage to take is about 3 to 6 ounces of the seeds, flowers, or roots three times daily. When you are able to take some endive or chicory juice in some combination, this helps to promote the secretion of bile. This is very helpful to the treatment of liver and gall bladder problems. In addition to having chicory in juice form; you may also have it as a tea. You can also take chicory in the form of powder. You would need to add about 30 mg of the powder to a glass of 4 ounces of water. After you’ve added the powder and water together, bring it to a boil, and then strain it. This makes a drink that you should drink a couple times a day. If you maintain this process for about a month, you will discover some relief with your gall bladder problems.
For an ailing gall bladder, check out the use of dandelion. Believe it or not, dandelion has quite the beneficial effect on your gall bladder. You should take a dosage of around 5 ounces of dandelion juice, and some watercress a couple times a day. If you combine the dandelion juice with a vegetarian diet, and cut down on sugar and starch; you can help to restore your gall bladder to a normal status. Having dandelion tea is one of the more popular natural remedies for gall bladder problems. There is also the option of making a mixture of dandelion and milk thistle. Dandelion is of benefit because it stimulates and helps with the production of bile that can help with having gall stones. The dandelion seems to stimulate the gall bladder to contract which can expel gall stones. Also, the dandelion has a chemical called cheneoxycholic acid that can act to dissolve gall stones.
In terms of natural treatments for gall bladder problems, the best I’ve heard about is the use of unrefined vegetable oils. These oils should be natural and raw oils of olive or sunflower. There is a recommended approach to using these oils. You need to take about one ounce of vegetable oil early in the morning, and follow this with about 4 ounces ml of lemon or grapefruit juice. Olive oil is probably the oil of choice to use. You should do this routine every morning for days, and onward into weeks if necessary. Ever since ancient times going back to the Mediterranean area, olive oil has been highly regarded for its health benefits. When cooking, you can use olive oil in many recipes and avoid the unhealthy oils. In addition to using it in cooking, it is also good when used as a salad dressing.
One of the better natural remedies for gall bladder problems includes mixing olive oil with lemon juice and honey. Take about one or two spoonfuls of this about twenty minutes prior to each meal. Another thing you can do is to take a soft cloth and soak it with castor oil and use it as a compress. Use this compress with a heating pad or hot water bottle, and press it against your abdomen. This will help with reducing the swelling from a diseased gall bladder. Gall stones can put pressure on your spleen because the gall bladder and spleen are connected. This is why diet is extremely important. You must avoid chocolate, processed flour, white sugar, and caffeinated drinks because they are hard to digest.
One of the best natural treatments for gall bladder problems is to have a well balanced diet that focuses on fruit and vegetables. The vegetables can be raw, cooked, or in juice form. The fruit should be in small amounts along with some seeds. Your diet should also include cottage cheese, yogurt, and one tablespoon of olive oil two times a day. There are foods you need to avoid. This includes: animal fats, meat, eggs, processed and denatured foods, refined carbohydrates, fried and greasy foods, foods containing sugar, and spices, pickles, and condiments. Also, you should avoid alcohol and coffee. Lastly, you should eat several small meals instead of three big ones each day.
If you have gall bladder issues; your diet becomes the most important natural treatment and type of self care. Your diet will need to be strictly confined to fruit, beets, and other vegetables. You need to have a low amount of fat in your diet; but, they should be the healthy kind of fats. If you completely avoid fats in your diet; you could worsen the symptoms of gall bladder disease and suffer more painful attacks. One great recipe you can make is beet soup with some green vegetables and a little flax seed oil in it. Also, try to have a daily amount of pear juice in your diet.