1) Honey Brewer's Yeast
A great natural home remedy and cure for athlete’s foot is to dress the affected areas with honey and brewer’s yeast twice a day.
2) Corn Starch
Put cornstarch on your feet before you put on socks and shoes. This will absorb moisture throughout the day putting a damper on the ability of the fungus to grow.
Athlete's foot
3) Olive Leaf
Olive leaf extract is a powerful anti-fungicide and anti-bacterial. It works very well in getting rid of athlete's foot. Apply the extract to the afflicted areas twice a day and you should see good results in a few days or a week.
4) Garlic
Take a clove of garlic and slice it into thin slices. Put these slices in your sock where your toes are and leave it in there throughout the day. Garlic has a potent anti-fungal compound that will get rid of your problem naturally. This is one of the best natural home remedies for athlete's foot!
The type of shoes you wear can make a difference. You shouldn’t wear any shoes that are made out of plastic, vinyl, or other type of material that can’t breathe. You want to avoid building up moisture in your shoes. Fungus likes a moist habitat.
5) Vinegar
This is a good home remedy for Athlete’s Foot condition. Make a solution of one part vinegar mixed with four parts warm water. Next, soak your feet for one half hour two times a day.
6) Grapefruit Seed Extract
A great anti fungus treatment for all types of fungus infections is grapefruit seed extract. You can get this at the healthfood store. It is potent enough to be used as a preservative in organic and natural lotions. Put it on full strength. If you want to treat Athlete’s Foot, try drying the area between your toes after every bath/shower. This will help prevent the growth of fungus.