Tall thistle-like flowers of this plant, varying in color from light pink to dark purple, can be easily spotted on the fields and in the valleys in all geographical areas with moderate climate. It received its nickname "milky" thistle because its leaves contain a sort of white sap, pretty mush resembling milk. Traditionally, milk thistle herbal tea has been used to prevent liver diseases and improve detoxification, and health benefits of milk thistle tea are expanding with new studies and researches.
Milk thistle herbal tea is actually made from milk thistle seeds, which should be harvested in late summer, dried and get ready for tea production. Many nutritionists and experts say that combining this herbal tea with peppermint tea is a great solution for receiving a beverage with a lot better taste, as well as to expand milk thistle tea health benefits. health benefits of milk thistle teaThis herbal tea can be recommended to almost everyone as it is a caffeine free and a very therapeutic remedy for a number of health condition.
Apart from being a very effective natural liver function support, milk thistle herbal tea can be used to regulate bile production in the body and prevent all possible disorders connected to gall bladder function. Other important health benefits of milk thistle tea embrace quite good laxative properties, which can be used to regulate the function of our digestive system and prevent constipation. In addition, a regular use of this herbal tea can assist in lowing LDL cholesterol level in blood, this way decreasing the risks of life-threatening cardiovascular diseases, such as Premature Heart Beat, Pulmonary Heart Disease">Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease.