Throughout China, SE Asia, and USA.
Properties (characteristics):
Seed is oily. After stir frying, it is fragrant, a little sweet and bland.
Actions & Indications:
Anesthetic effect; used in dry cough, Asthma; calming nerves; stopping spasms, pain; for insomnia; for soothing menstrual pain; for pain caused by uterus not getting back in place; for pain in ovaries; mania; itchy skin, prevent brain damage after injury.
Seeds can be used for dry stool and cough and pain. They promote urination. Long-term usage can cause weight gain. Dosage: Seeds:12-18 gm. Buds--3-6 gm. Buds are used in decoction. Seeds are used in decoction, pill, or powder form.
Chemical ingredients:
Protein, fat, ash, essential oil, lecithin, phytin, phytosterine, linoleic acid, glycuronic acid, inosite, edestin, mascarin, choline, trigonelline﹐ tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Bud paste: Daily dosage: 0.5 cc can be taken in 2 or 3 servings. For Asthma and Insomnia.
Samples of formulae
Bud paste: 500gm chopped into fine particles, water 1000 cc. Simmer. Strain. And then simmer until 30cc left in paste form. The source of the formula: Yang Teem Hua
The buds possess analgesic qualities. Do not overdose.