Mainly produced in Hubei, Anhui, Jiangsu, Henan, Hubei, Zhejiang, Jiangxi provinces of China.
Properties (characteristics):
Salty, neutral.
Channels meridians) entered:
Liver, spleen, kidney.
Medical functions:
Prevent cirrhosis of liver and spleen
Improves immune system.
Actions & Indications:
For yinxu (yin deficient) with flashes: usually combine with Herba Artemisiae Annuae (Qinghao), Cortex L ycii Radicis (Digupi).
For yinxu with heat and pain: usually combine with gui ban, mu li, Radix Paeoniae Alba (Baishaoyao), Colla Corii Asini (Ejiao).
For chronic malaria, pain in rib and chest, amenorrhea, cirrhosis hardening and swelling of liver and spleen: usually combine with Rhizoma Sparganii (Sanleng), Rhizoma Zedoariae (Ezhu), qing pi, xiang fu zi, Flos Carthami (Honghua), Semen Persicae (Taoren).
For enlargement of liver and spleen.
For enlargement of thyroid glands.
For enlargement of lymphatic glands.
Bie jia should be cooked first (cook longer than other herbs) or roasted in sand.
In promoting yin and and suppressing yang, bie jia should be use untreated. For treating breast tumors, it should be roasted in sand first.
Chemical ingredients:
Animal colloid, among them collagen is the main constituent, keratin, iodine, vitamin D, calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate.
For internal use: 10 to 24 g in decoction
For external use: make into powder. Use appropriate amount and apply to affected area.
Not to use in cases of lack of appetite, loose stool due to pixu (spleen deficient)
Use with care in cases of pregnancies