Fujian, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang
Properties (characteristics):
Bitter, sweet, warm.
Channels (meridians) entered:
Kidney, liver.
Actions & Indications:
Achy loin and knees due to liver and shenxu (kidney deficient)
Rheumatic Arthritis due to liver and shenxu (kidney deficient)
Loss of bladder control (gatism)
4.5 - 9 g in decoction.
Samples of formulae
Achy loin and knees due to liver and shenxu (kidney deficient): combine with Semen Cuscutae (Tusizi), Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae (Niuxi), Cortex Eucommiae (Duzhong), etc.
rheumatoid arthritis due to liver and shenxu (kidney deficient): combine with Ramulus Cinnamomi (Guizhi), qin jiu, hai feng teng, niu xi etc.
Not to use in cases of difficulty in urination or heat from yinxu (yin deficient)