Henan, Hebei, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Yunnan
Those called Zang hong hua (Tibetan hong hua) are not grown in Xizang (Tibet), but they are grown in the Middle East but imported through Tibet (Xizang).
Properties (characteristics):
Acrid, warm
Channels (meridians) entered:
Liver, heart.
Actions & Indications:
1. Being used in lumps in intestines and bowels, sores and Carbuncle, pain from impact injuries, Rheumatic Arthritis, invigorates circulation, breaks up blood stasis condition, and promotes menstruation: injuries from impact, swollen boils, Irregular Menstruation, pain in stopping of menses, pain from blood stasis after birth. Small amount can invigorate circulation and large amount can get rid of blood clots. It is an important herb in blood stasis therapy and often is prescribed with tao ren. To invigorate circulation, it is often used with dang gui, chuan xiong, shao yao. to rid of blood stasis, it is used with Rhizoma Sparganii (Sanleng), Rhizoma Zedoariae (Ezhu), and Radix et Rhizoma Rhei (Dahuang).
2. measles with blood stasis, color not lively red: use Flos Carthami (Honghua), Radix Angelicae Sinensis (Danggui), zi cao, da qing ye
3. angina of coronary diseases: use Flos Carthami (Honghua), dan shen, Chuanxiong (Rhizoma Chuanxiong), Radix Paeoniae Rubra (Chishaoyao).
4. thromboangitis obliterans: use hong hua, dang gui, Semen Persicae (Taoren), chi shao, ru xiang.
5. for treatment of enlargement of the liver and spleen.
6.For physical injuries with blood stasis and pain: broken bones, dislocated joints, sprains, and impact.
Medical function:
1. Cardio-vascular system
It can mildly stimulate the heart, lowers the resistance of coronary arteries, improves circulation and provides the amount of blood flow to the heart muscle and provides nutrition to the heart muscles. Large amount has an inhibitory effect.
2. Effect on platelets
It can prevent the coagulation of the platelets thus inhibits the formation of thrombosis.
3. Effect on uterus
Small amount can increase the rhythmic contraction of the pregnant uterus. Large amount can cause constriction and spasm.
4. Provides protection for the brain in case of oxygen deprivation. Studies show that it can increase the treshold of rat in oxygen deprivation
5 Lower lipids
6. anti-bacterial, anti-fungal,
7. analgesic,
8. diuretic,
9. immune stimulant,
10. anti-inflammatory
11. anti-spasmodic,
12. emmenagogue (induce menses flow),
13. diaphoretic (induce perspiration),
14. induce interferon
Chemical ingredients:
palmitic acid
myristic acid
lauric acid
stearic acid
Cinnamic acid
arachidic acid
oleic acid
linolenic acid
0.5 g to 2 g
Not to use in cases of bleeding, heavy menses, ulcer, pregnancy or during taking blood thinning drugs, like warfarin or heperin.