Mainly produced in Jiangsu, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Anhui provinces of China
Medical functions:
The active ingredient scopolamine possesses the anesthesia effect, relaxes muscles, and inhibit secretion of sweat.
Actions & Indications:
The flowers are being used in anaesthesia, as sedative and for inducing sleep. The leaves are being used in Rheumatic Arthritis. The seeds are being used in promoting blood circulation and in ridding of pain.
Chemical ingredients:
Principal active biochemicals are the primary tropane alkaloids: atropine, and scopolamine, hyoscyamine, atropine, apoatropine, daturine, tigloidine . The seeds and flowers contain the highest concentration of alkaloids but all parts of the plant are active. The total alkaloid is highest during the maturing period of the flowers and lower when the seeds are matured. The seeds also contain hemaglutinin.
To take orally: 0.3~0.6g. Also being used as cigarettes for several times per day but not over 1.5 g per day.
For external application: wash with decoction using appropriate amount or make into paste and apply.