Properties (characteristics):
Sweet, neutral.
Channels (meridians) entered:
Heart, kidney, spleen.
Medical functions:
The lecithin, triglycerides, and cholesterol of egg yolk, plays a significant role in physical development of the nervous system. The lecithin after digested by the body, releases choline. Choline may improve memory in all age groups.
Actions & Indications:
To promote yin of the body and cut down heat(Corrects yinxu with fire condition) For Insomnia, high fever, consumptive vomiting blood, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding during pregnancy, burns, heat sores, Eczema, infantile indigestion.
Chemical ingredients:
Per 100 grams of egg yolk contains: 13.6 grams of protein, 30 grams of lipids, 1 g of carbohydrate , 1.6 g of ash; 134 mg of calcium 532 mg of phosphorus, 7 mg of iron; A3500 international units of vitamin, 0.27 mg of thiamin, 0.35 mg of riboflavin, trace amount of niacin, 0.8 ug / g of p-aminobenzoic acid (dried egg yolk). The proteins contains vitellin, eggyolk-immunoglobulin, ratio of approximately 3.6:1. Also contains at least 5 kinds of asialoglycoprotein.
Chicken egg yolk contains a lot of fatty substances (egg white contains only about 0.1%), of which approximately 10% are phospholipids, and in phospholipid, lecithin is the main ingredient. The egg yolk is the combination of vitellin and lecithin. The fatty acids in the fatty substances , are mainly oleic acid ( accounted for 46.7% of fatty acids), linoleic acid (19%), linolenic acid (2.9%), unsaturated acid (31.4%). Egg yolk contains approximately 1.3% cholesterol, glucose (as compound and in free form) of approximately 0.3%.
Also contains a variety of lutein and lutein isomers also contain a small amount of carotene. Feed can affect the result of the color of egg yolk; so the egg yolk certainly also contain other various pigments.
Daly Dosage:
For oral consumption:cook 1 to 3 pieces, or taken raw.
External application: use appropriate amount and apply on affected area.
Use with care in cases of coronary heart disease, hypertension, arterial atherosclerosis