Zhejiang, Sichuan, Jiangsu
Properties (characteristics):
Sweet, slightly bitter, slightly cold
When stir fried with rice wine, it reduces its cold properties and can be used as tonic.
Channels (meridians) entered:
Heart, lung, stomach
Actions & Indications:
Improves stomach yin-fluid, and rid of heat
Medical Function:
1. effect on circulatory system
(a) improves contraction of heart muscles
(b) protects heart muscle and anti-arrhythmia
2. Anti shock
3. improves toleration of lack of oxygen
4. improve immune system
5. improves recoveries of cells of the pancrea and lowering blood sugar
6. anti bacteria
7. did not show toxicity in animal tests[17][3][4]
6~ 15 g
Not to be used in cases of diarrhea due to cold from deficiency and fluid retention.