Sweet, bitter, neutral, slightly toxic.
Channels (meridians) entered:
Medical functions:
The leaf is emetic and is used in the treatment of ague fits, serving to break the fit.
The flowers are diaphoretic (promote sweating).
The flowers are diuretic
Whole plant is diuretic
The juice of the stem is emetic (induces nausea and vomiting).
A decoction of the root is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Pain relieving﹕decoction of jie gu mu (raw herb) 20g/kg for lavage, is effective for pain relieving in mice (hot plate method). Its effect is not as strong as morphine but stronger than Metamizole Sodium. After medication, the mice became calm.
The plant is anodyne (pain relieving) and carminative (relieves and removes gas from the digestive system).
The plant has insecticidal properties
Increases bone mass of ovariectomized (OVX) rats.
Actions & Indications:
For treatment of broken bones, injuries from impacts, rheumatoid arthritis, Gout, Chronic nephritis, External use: for arresting bleeding in external injuries.
Internal usage: 16 to 38 g.
External usage: use appropriate amount.
When eaten raw may cause upset stomach.