What is sophora japonica(Huai Hua Mi)?
This tree is native to eastern Asia, especially China and Japan. Others common names include Chinese pagoda tree, Styphnolobium japonicum, Japanese pagoda tree, and Chinese Scholar. Medicinally it means the dried buds and flowers of Sophora japonica L., a plant in the family Leguminosae. As a result, it is also commonly known as pagoda tree bud, sophora flower, flos sophorae immaturus, flos sophorae japonicae immaturus, sophorae flos immaturus, flower of Japanese pagodatree, pagodatree flower bud, and so on. This herb is produced all over China, in particular in the Loess Plateau and the North China Plain. The flowers (called Huai Hua) and the buds (called Huai Mi) are harvested during summer. After the harvest, remove branches, stems and impurities, dry in time, and use it raw or charred.
It is a deciduous tree, up to 25 meters. Bark is gray or dark gray and with rough diastema. Under bark is bright yellow and with undesirable odor. Branches are brown but green when young, with hairs and obvious lenticels. Odd pinnately compound leaves are alternate, up to 25cm, and with dilated petiole base. Leaflets are 7 to 15 in number, ovate-oblong or ovate-lanceolate, 2.5 to 5cm long, 1.5 to 2.6cm wide, and with acute apex, rounded or broadly cuneate base, and entire margin. Panicle is acrogenous. Flowers are milk white and 1.5cm long. Calyx is bell-shaped and five-lobed. Pods, like a string of beads, are 2.5 to 5cm long, glabrous, green, fleshy, indehiscent, and with knob and tightly packed seeds. Kidney-shaped seeds are from 1 to 6 in number, and dark brown. Its flowering period is from July to August and fruiting period is October to November.
Sophora japonica benefits
As stated, sophora japonica flower and bud are good at stopping bleeding by astringency; fruit is expert in stopping bleeding and lowering blood pressure; root bark and leaf are skilled in curing sore. In addition, its shoots and seedling are also used medicinally. According to Ben Cao Gang Mu (Compendium of Materia Medica), its newborn shoots and seedling can be consumed as vegetable or tea. And Bao Pu Zi, literally "Book of the Master Who Embraces Simplicity", and Ming Yi Bie Lu (Appendant Records of Famous Physicians) say that this herb is one of the best brain tonics, which can improve hair color and live longer if only people take it earlier. Now there are many different sophora japonica products on sale, including sophora japonica supplement, capsules, extract, pills, and more.