Qi cultivation is creating balance, abundance and flow of Qi. It also involves developing your healing potential, and strengthening the flow of the Qi force throughout your being so that it flows to and through you at the highest possible level of positive vibration. Qigong uses mind power and internal healing exercises for creating an abundance of Qi, while at the same time cultivating your life force and channeling it throughout your body. By strengthening Qi within your body, via qigong, you can use your heightened qi force for healing yourself and increasing your positive vibrational level. Click to learn how Chinese medicine treats Oral Lichen Planus (OLP).
Your qi, your positive vibration, energy flow nourishes your human spirit and gives you the ability to concentrate. It is the the basis of your creativity, and it is the healing energy of your body. Qi is the force of the universe that moves in invisible currents and healing pathways through all matter in the universe. Qi connects everything. The Universal Qi force creates mountains, governs the ocean currents, flow of rivers, and weather patterns. Qi force gives trees their structure and their diversity in branching toward the sky. The movement of qi can be seen in all molecules, elements, the landscape, and within your body this life force circulates through qi energy channels called vessels and meridians.