Our health picture is affected by our lifestyle and the interventions we choose, with lifestyle having the biggest effect—70 percent—and interventions a smaller effect—30 percent. Lifestyle represents the things we do all day, everyday — nutrition, movement, mind set. Interventions are the things we do occasionally —healing treatments, medications, herbs, going to the gym. If both our lifestyle and our interventions are heading us in the right direction, we will become healthy very quickly. If they are going in opposite directions, lifestyle will always dominate even if the interventions you choose are extremely powerful.
Our lifestyle builds our health status, brick by brick. Through the things we do every day, we set the path for the energy flow within our bodies. The status of our health isn't created overnight, it is built over years of repetition of our habits. To improve our health takes consistent effort over time to change that energy flow. Click to learn how Chinese medicine treats Acne.
Qi healing is an intervention because it only happens occasionally. When a person repeats Qigong exercises several times per day, they have now shifted into a place where they can permanently retrain their energy flow. Qi healing can really jump-start the healing process by removing the blockages, but the retraining is necessary to hold onto the changes. Lasting change can only happen with creating a lifestyle that supports health.