Salt plus baking soda can be a wonderful part of our overall health. Foot soak is an easy way to enjoy herbal remedies that can improve your overall health., a secret recipe in foot soak
A lot of women fall flat on self-pampering in the process of having to multitask between commitments from career, home and family. In such case, going for regular reflexology is hardly a consideration, the little free time gotten is always credited to quick naps. Plus, reflexology can be rather time consuming and costly, which explains why most of us opt for commercial versions of simple foot scrubs sold in beauty stores instead.
But here is a better deal. Not only do you get to indulge in the fun of creating a homemade foot massage, but also at the same time optimize its benefits by customizing the ingredients used in it according to skin types. Nevertheless, it saves time and is cheaper than your commercial foot scrubs or free at all!
Brown sugar + Olive oil
This homemade foot scrub is so easy that you can use it just before a shower. Mix together a tablespoon of each olive oil, brown sugar and also baking soda. You may use it on your feet, knees and elbow too. Brown sugar exfoliates, olive oil nourishes your skin, while baking soda removes dirt and whitens skin, making it the perfect foot scrub recipe for all types of skin.