We’ve already put together a little bit on our herbal foot soaks. You can read it here. They promote circulation. Soften the fascia of the feet. They also have tremendous effects in treating pain and circulatory issues. To accomplish this, we only use the best herbs and of the best quality possible.
Ku Shen (Radix Sophorae Flavescentis) is another interesting herb with a long history of use in Chinese medicine. Often known for its positive effects in treating skin conditions, modern research confirms that it has broad spectrum antimicrobial effects (antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiparasitic). Ku Shen actually has an inhibitory effect on bacterial biofilms. These biofilms are a mucus covering that bacteria put on to protect themselves from our body’s immune system attack. Once the normal inflammatory action of our body has decreased, the bacteria are once again able to proliferate and reek havoc on our system. Biofilms are a factor implicated in many chronic diseases ranging from Obesity to Parkinson’s or Dementia. Biofilms are often found in any type of chronic disease or chronic inflammatory condition.