The lack of sleep is termed as insomnia and is also known as sleeplessness.Sleep is a periodic state of rest for the body, which is important for its efficient functioning.
It gives relief from tension and worries. The amount of sleep varies from individual to individual. Normally 7-8 hours of sleep every night is adequate and normal. Insomnia deprives the person with mental rest and interferes with the daily activities. It is the most common problem among the people of upper classes in urban areas. It is also common among the elderly people as the sleep requirements decreases with aging.
Symptoms of Insomnia
Some people with insomnia have trouble falling asleep. Others are able to fall asleep but wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble falling back asleep. Or they doze off but sleep very lightly. People with insomnia wake up in the morning tired and unrested. They continue to be exhausted throughout the day. These sleep patterns are common among the elderly and among those who are depressed (see depressive disorders entry).
Sometimes sleep patterns are reversed. For example, a person may find it difficult to stay awake during the day and may take many naps. Then, at night, they find it hard to go to sleep or to stay asleep.
Home Remedies for Insomnia
A cup of milk with honey. This is effective in curing insomnia.
Increase in the consumption of vitamin B foods such as wholegrain cereals, pulses, and nuts. These are effective in treating insomnia.
Your bed should be comfortable. Always take care about your bed as your sleep is associated with your bed if your bed will not comfortable you can’t get comfortable and sound sleep.
Herbal Remedies for Insomnia
The most popular herb for insomnia is Valerian, It relaxes nerves and muscles, improves sleep quality and makes falling asleep easier. Great for insomnia cause by, mind activity, fear, fatigue, excitement.
In a cup of boiling water, add 1 tsp each of chamomile flowers, hops and valeria. Let it steep for 45. Thereafter, strain the drink and have it an hour before sleeping.
Chamomile Tea has mild sedative properties.
Passion Flower relaxes muscles, promotes sleep.
St. John's Wort prolongs deep sleep cycle.
Skullcap tincture promotes sleep.
Oat Straw Soothes and nourishes the nervous system.