Large intestine meridian of hand-yangming originates from radius end of first finger and absorbs qi of lung meridian of hand-taiyin. It starts from tip of first finger, following radius side of first finger, coming through the first metacarpus and the second metacarpus, coming anterior aspect of radius styloid process of wrist where is sunken and lateral side radius, going up to elbow joint, passing radius side of elbow joint, coming through biceps brachii and triceps brachii, it reaches upper shoulder joint. Crossing shoulder to neck side and proneness, it goes down supraclavicular fossa into chest and is distributed over lung. The trunk goes down lung gate area, crossing disphragmatic muscle and is distributed over large intestine. Forking from neck side, Large intestine meridian of hand-yangming goes up to Tianding acupoint at half of Sternocleidomastoid and from Tianding acupoint to lower teeth at jowl. The trunk goes up jowl from angle of mouth to Nasal ditch and intersects left and right, which the left meridian vessel intersects right and vice versa, going up both sides of nasal bones and associating with qi of stomach meridian.
Besides there is a branch goes down large intestine out of abdominal cavity and from anterior limbs to Shangjuxu acupoint at shinbone outboard and crosses stomach meridian.
Collateral of large intestine meridian of hand-yangming:
Collateral of large intestine meridian of hand-yangming starts from 3 cun posterior to wrist which is at Pianli acupoint of large intestine meridian of hand-yangming. Forking two branches, the first crosses radius, is associated with lung meridian of hand-taiyin and forms the gangway of qi of meridians in internal and external relation. The second branch floats along main meridian and circulates arm to Shoulder Blade, then crosses Shoulder Blade to neck side and goes up to jowl, it is distributed over lower teeth and forms connection in parallel with meridian vessel which enforces connection between Yangming meridians of the hand and teeth. There is another branch which goes up ear and is associated with ear meridians at jowl.
Divergent collateral of large intestine meridian of hand-yangming:
Forking from large intestine meridian of hand-yangming at collarbone acromion of shoulder join, collateral of large intestine meridian of hand-yangming floats along large intestine meridian of hand-yangming at cervical vertebra and goes down to thoracic cavity. Its embranchment is distributed over lung, going down disphragmatic muscle it is distributed over large intestine. Forking from collarbone and going out of supraclavicular fossa, collateral of large intestine meridian of hand-yangming is associated with main meridian along both sides of trachea and throat at jowl.
Collateral of large intestine meridian of hand-yangming is distributed over lung and large intestine which forms connection in parallel from large intestine meridian of hand-yangming to lung and large intestine and enforces relationship between main meridian and organs.