Women should keep their pudenda clean and hygienic, avoid tension, fatigue, strenuous exercises and heavy physical labor. They cannot adopt the tub bath and swim. They should strictly abstain from sexual life, vaginal examination, etc. These are the basic content of health care in women. In addition, attention should be paid to the following aspects.
1. Keeping warm
Women should keep the body warm during the menstrual period and avoid attack by cold. They should not wade across a river, be drenched with rain, sit and lie on the damp ground and work in the paddy field. They should strictly abstain from swimming, cold bath and work with the scorching sun directly overhead and under intense heat. Otherwise, they are susceptible to menstrual disorders, dysmenorrhea, and amenorrhea, etc. More information, please read Women Menstruation.
2. Abstaining from certain foods
Sthenia of the liver and asthenia of the spleen mostly exist during the menstrual period due to profuse discharge of menstrual blood such as mammary distension and pain, distension of lower abdomen with bearing-down sensation, poor appetite and loose stool. Women should eat light and nutritious foods. They cannot eat more sour and pungent, pungent and hot-natured, aromatic and dry foods. Or this may give rise to hypermenorrhea; overeating of uncooked and cold foods may cause blood stagnation, giving rise to unsmooth menstruation, dysmenorrheal and amenorrhea excessive drinking is not advisable either to keep the normal menstruation. More information, please read Women Uterus.
3. Regulating emotions
Women should remain at ease mentally and avoid excessive emotional activities. Otherwise, it may result in adverse and disorderly circulation of qi and blood. This may aggravate the discomfort during the menstrual period, lead to menstrual disorders in mild cases, and amenorrhea, tuberculosis, etc. in severe cases. More information, please read Women Leukorrhea.