Common Name:
Comfrey is also popularly referred to as knitback, boneset, woundwort, slippery root, symphytum, healherb, blackwort, gum plant, consound, all heal, and ass ear among others. Its botanical name is symphytum officinale.
Comfrey Herb
The comfrey plant is indigenously grown in Europe and in parts of temperate Asia. Comfrey is commonly seen throughout England especially on riverbanks and trenches, and in watery places.
Parts used:
In order to make medicinal remedies from the comfrey plant, the roots and rootstalks of the plant are generally used. In some herbal preparations, the leaves of comfrey are utilized to a smaller degree.
Medicinal uses of Comfrey Herb:
Comfrey has been used for centuries as an invaluable herb to treat bruises, lesions, injures, contusions, and in some cases even broken bones. In the olden days, herbalists used comfrey as a unique source of protein, and minerals such as potassium, calcium. Comfrey is also found to be rich in vitamins such as A, B12, and C. Some herbalists use comfrey in salads, or as a sauté along with vegetables. As a medicinal preparation or as a soothing drink, comfrey can also be had as a comforting tea. As an external application, comfrey is wholly safe, and can be used on babies as a dressing. Medical researchers believe that the healing agent in comfrey is allantoin-a chemical compound that accelerates the production of new cells and assists in the healing of wounds and bruises. Comfrey as a herbal plant is soothing and helps in healing inflamed tissues. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, comfrey is useful in external wounds.
The leaves as well as the root of the comfrey plant are used in reducing the swelling, stopping the bleeding and reducing the pain of the external injury. Herbalists are of the opinion that staph infections caused by Staphylococcal bacteria, are rapidly destroyed by an application of comfrey directly on the infected area. Exposed wounds are cured quickly with comfrey, normally within a day or less, and also do not leave any scar behind. Although traditional practitioners feel that comfrey can be used safely as an internal medicine as well as an external application, modern medical researchers strictly avoid, and in fact dissuade the use of comfrey. To prevent any form of liver toxicity, comfrey must not be taken internally, and only under the supervision of a licensed practitioner, well-versed in the art of administering the herb as a medicine. Since modern medical research has not cleared the use of this herb it is subject to legal confinement in some countries.