Foul smelling flatulence, more commonly known as bad smelling gas is a very common problem, seen in many people, of all ages. Most people seek help for foul smelling gas, even though it is not a serious problem. This could be due to the fact that bad smelling flatulence can be a major source of embarrassment for all people. Hence, in order to avoid being embarrassed in front of others, most people seek treatment from health experts. Moreover, at times people may experience other uncomfortable symptoms too, in addition to the foul smelly gas problem. Hence, people usually experience problems like bad smelling gas and bloating, Diarrhea, stomach pain or even constipation at the same time.
In order to get rid of foul smelling gas, Constipation, diarrhea and the other uncomfortable symptoms, most health experts advise people to opt for simple and natural smelly gas remedies, which mainly include dietary and lifestyle changes. Unfortunately, it is possible for this problem to recur, if the exact bad smelling gas causes are not addressed, on a long term basis. Therefore, before trying any gas relief home remedy, it is important for people to understand what causes smelly gas and then adopt the right remedy.
While the problem of smelly flatulence can be treated, there are no specific medicines as such that can be prescribed. In fact, taking any medication could aggravate the problem. Hence, people are advised to first try natural stomach gas remedies and then seek medical help, in case they are not very effective. One of the first steps in reducing the flatulence problem is making dietary changes, to eliminate the consumption of foods, which include dairy products, aerated drinks, oil, spices, fatty foods as well as certain fruits and vegetables. People should avoid consuming raw food or vegetables that have not been cooked thoroughly. Eating foods at regular intervals can also help in reducing smelly gas.
In order to reduce the problem of bad smelling gas at night, people can drink a cup of herbal tea made from carminative herbs, after dinner. The most effective herbal tea for this purpose is a mixture of balm, chamomile and peppermint. Alternately, people can also choose to drink that contains equal parts of blessed thistle, germander, centaury and buckbean. However, herbs should not be regarded as the appropriate natural gas remedies for children or during pregnancy. There are several other natural gas remedies that can also be very effective, with minimal side effects.