TCM diagnosis Based on Syndrome Differentiation:
Syndrome of COLD Type:
Symptoms: Acid regurgitation accompanied the burping up of frothy fluids, stomach fullness or boating, general sense of coldness, soft stools and low energy. This can be a milder type of acid reflux where the symptoms of heart burn can be relieved by warm or hot water.
Syndrome of HOT Type:
Symptoms: Acid reflux which has a strong odor and a burning sensation. There will also be bloating, dry sticky mouth, a thirst for cold water, smelly burning stools and a sense of heat.
Diagnosis in Western Medicine:
Tests are not usually necessary if you have typical symptoms. Many people experiencing acid leaking up (refluxing) into the gullet (oesophagus) are diagnosed with 'presumed acid reflux'. In this situation they have typical symptoms and the symptoms are eased by treatment. Tests may be advised if symptoms are severe, or do not improve with treatment, or are not typical of GORD.
Gastroscopy (endoscopy) is the common test. A thin, flexible telescope is passed down the oesophagus into the stomach. This allows a doctor or nurse to look inside. With inflammation of the lining of the oesophagus (oesophagitis), the lower part of the oesophagus looks red and inflamed. However, if it looks normal it does not rule out acid reflux. Some people are very sensitive to small amounts of acid, and can have symptoms with little or no inflammation to see.
Two terms that are often used after an endoscopy are:
Oesophagitis. This term is used when the oesophagus can be seen to be inflamed.
Endoscopy-negative reflux disease. This term is used when someone has typical symptoms of reflux but endoscopy is normal.