Affecting less than 5% of prostatitis cases, chronic bacterial prostatitis symptoms are similar those experienced by men who have acute bacterial prostatitis. However, one additional symptom that may set chronic bacterial prostatitis symptoms apart is frequent recurring urinary tract infections. In fact, men who are ultimately diagnosed with chronic bacterial prostatitis nearly always currently have or have had a history of urinary tract infections. These urinary tract infections always involve the same bacteria. Chronic bacterial prostatitis symptoms may include:
Recurring urinary tract infections caused by the same bacteria
Strong urge to urinate immediately
Painful urination
Burning during urination
Blood in the urine
An urgent need to urinate frequently
Low-back pain
Pain in the perineum (area between the anus and scrotum)
Painful ejaculation
Flu-like symptoms, such as chills and fever
Pain in the testicles or penis or other part of pelvic area
Difficulty starting urination
Weak urinary stream once it starts
Frequent need to urinate during the night
Episodes of chronic bacterial prostatitis tend to come and go in many men, and range from mild to severe. In between flare-ups you may be symptom free or may experience minor symptoms. When the infection returns and flares up, however, symptoms may be severe. Long-term complications from chronic bacterial prostatitis include infertility, semen abnormalities, and reduced quality of life. It can be frustrating to have symptoms keep coming back.