Treatment for nocturnal seizures in adults, starts with an appointment with a sleep specialist or a neurologist. These physicians recommend a sleep study, which lasts for a night, in which, complete video monitoring of a person's sleep is done. This helps in identifying the type of seizure that has occurred, i.e., generalized, partial, or status epilepticus, based on the epileptic symptoms present. Afterwards, based on the findings, appropriate medication is recommended. The Anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs), have been successful in preventing these seizures to a great extent.
For children, the medication depends upon a number of factors such as, the weight and age of the child, his health condition, and of course, the kind of seizure he is experiencing. Seizures in children may stop as they grow old, while in others, long-term medication may be required to control them.
Apart from the epilepsy medication, a patient should take a number of other precautions while sleeping. He should sleep on a low bed, which has padded headboards, should avoid using pillows, keep furniture away from the bed, so that no injury occurs in case he falls because of an epileptic attack, should keep safety mats next to the bed in case of a fall, and lastly should avoid smoking in bed. Also, having a comfortable and stress-free sleep is very important. For that, eliminating caffeine from the diet, following certain relaxation techniques, and forming a fixed sleeping routine and pattern is very essential.