Because amblyopia typically is a problem of infant vision development, symptoms of the condition can be difficult to discern.
Girl wearing eye patch for amblyopia. Boy wearing eye patch for amblyopia.
You can help your child accept patching by making it fun.
However, a common cause of amblyopia is strabismus. So if you notice your baby or young child has crossed eyes or some other apparent eye misalignment, schedule an appointment for a children's eye exam immediately - preferably with an optometrist or ophthalmologist who specializes in children's vision.
Another clue that your child may have amblyopia is if he or she cries or fusses when you cover one eye.
You can try this simple screening test at home by simply covering and uncovering your child's eyes (one eye at a time) when he or she is performing a visual task, such as watching television.
If your child is not bothered when one eye is covered, but objects when the other eye is, this may suggest that the eye you have covered is the "good" eye, and that the uncovered eye is amblyopic, causing blurred vision.
But a simple screening test is no substitute for a comprehensive eye exam.
Have your child's eyes examined as recommended to make sure he or she has normal vision in both eyes and that the eyes function together properly as a team.