Symptoms of Dust Mite Allergy
Household dust is a mixture of many materials. Dust may contain tiny fibers shed from different fabrics as well as tiny particles of food, plant and insect parts, mold and fungus spores, dander from pet dogs or cats, or feathers from birds. Dust also contains many microscopic mites and their waste products.
The waste products of dust mites - not the mites themselves - are what cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Throughout its short life span, a single dust mite may produce as much as 200 times its body weight in waste products. Dust mite waste contains a protein that is an allergen. An allergen is a substance that provokes an allergic reaction.
Dust mite allergy symptoms include:
Runny nose
Itchy, red or watery eyes
Nasal congestion
Itchy nose or throat
Postnasal drip
Facial pressure and pain
Swollen skin under your eyes
Itchy skin rash