Prevention of Polio(Poliomyelitis)
Measures to prevent polio include:
Good hygiene and hand-washing
Polio vaccine is recommended to be given at the following ages:
2 months
4 months
Between 6 and 18 months
Between 4 and 6 years
Vaccines include:
IPV. Inactivated poliovirus vaccine is given by a shot (injection). This vaccine is given at all 4 immunization visits. IPV can’t cause polio because the virus has been killed and is safe to use for people with weak immune systems. Tell your healthcare provider if you have an allergy to neomycin, streptomycin, or polymyxin B, as you may not be able to receive the IPV.
OPV. Oral poliovirus vaccine is given by mouth. In very rare cases, OPV has been known to cause vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis. It is now recommended that the OPV not be given routinely and that only IPV be given. OPV should NOT be given to anyone with a weak immune system.