According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, this disease is caused by the invasion of exopathogens and deficiency of vital Qi (vital energy). Invasion of exopathogens is the exopathic cause; while deficiency of vital Qi is the endopathic one. The exopathogen is mainly involved in wind, cold and dampness; while the deficiency of vital Qi includes the general Qi deficiency of yang qi and yin. Invasion of wind-cold-dampness pathogens into the muscles and joints leads to stagnation of qi and blood in the channels and collaterals. In turn, malnutrition of the joints, heat due to long retention of wind-cold-dampness pathogens results in accumulation of phlegm-dampness in the channels, joints and tendons. All these are the causes of rheumatic arthritis in TCM.
Rheumatic arthritis attributed to four causes in TCM
Syndrome of Wind-Invasion
Syndrome of Cold-Invasion
Syndrome of Damp-Invasion
Syndrome of Wind-Damp-Heat Invasion