People associate memory loss and decline in cognitive functioning with aging. But one must be aware of various factors that can directly affect mental health and hence affect memory centers in the brain. Internal imbalances between various body systems, malnutrition, negligence, among other factors can lead to brain and memory issues at a young age. The brain is an organ, and arguably the one that most consumes oxygen and other nutrients for proper functioning - ranging from focus, analysis, learning new skills, space-time orientation, controlling and dealing with various, mental-emotional states, and of course - memory. In Western physiology, mental processes and emotional states are attributed directly to the brain. Hence, memory loss and brain health is achieved synthetically, through use of dietary supplements. See how Chinese medicine treats Neurasthenia.
In Chinese herbalism, certain organs are held responsible for affecting mental states, and imbalances in their functions directly affect the brain and the body as a whole. As an example, herbalists equate heart with joy, lungs with worry and sadness, the liver with anger, kidneys with fear, and the spleen to thinking. Furthermore, throughout the centuries herbalists have remained commited to the underlying philosophy that harmony must be and can be achieved naturally at all times. Hence, everything in Chinese herbalism deals with achieving the intricate balance and harmony in the human body-balance of Qi-energy and harmony between the Ying and Yang. Hence, all Chinese herbal formulas are committed to re-establishing the proper functioning of organs that are related to, and hence affect the brain.