What is Bei Xie (Dioscorea Root)? It refers to the dried rhizome of Dioscorea Hypoglauca Palibin or Dioscorea Septemlobus Thumb., which are creeping perennial herbs.
The slices of the former, Fen Bei Xie, are 1 to 3mm thick, ragged edges, or with brownish black rind, yellowish white, fine and smooth, and powdery and irregular yellow vein pattern. Quality is solid and elastic but easily broken. The preferred one medicinally is dried trunk, yellowish white in color, big and thin slices, good elasticity, consistency, and integrity. It is mainly produced in Zhejiang, Guangdong, and Guangxi provinces;
The round slices of latter, Mian Bi Xie, are cut lengthways or crosswise, in different sizes, about 2 to 3mm thick. Grayish yellow cortex is thicker and the rim is mostly curly. Rough surface of the slices is light yellowish white and with veins. Quality is soft and easily broken. Medicinally the better one is dried trunk, white in color, and even thickness in slices. It is mainly produced in Zhejiang and Hubei provinces.
What is it used for?
From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is neutral and bitter in nature and covers meridians of liver, stomach, and urinary bladder.
Main functions are to promote diuresis to eliminate turbid and dispel pathogenic wind to dredge channel blockade. Main uses and indications are stranguria caused by chyluria, cloudy urine, heavy vaginal discharge, wind dampness, pain due to channel blockade, stiff joints, and knee and lower back pain. Usual dosage is 10 to 15 grams, in teapills (Wan) or powder (San).