What Stemona Root(Bai Bu)? The pharmaceutical name known as Radix stemonae sessilifoliae, it refers to the dried tuberous root of Stemona sessilifolia (Miq.) Franch., Stemona japonica (Bl.) Miq., or Stemona tuberosa Lour, which is a plant in the genus Stemona (family Stemonaceae).
It is a perennial herb with spindle-shaped root tubers, which usually grows in mountainous region, woods, or bamboo forest. The tubers are yellowish-white or khaki-colored in appearance, with irregular deep vertical sulcus or horizontal wrinkles sometimes. It is crisp, horny, flat section, and light yellowish-brown or yellowish-white in color. It tastes sweet and bitter and has mild odor.
The root tubers of Stemona japonica are narrow at both ends, light grey in color, with irregular deep vertical sulcus or horizontal wrinkles, and bitter taste.
The root tubers of Stemona tuberosa Lour look like long spindle or elongated shapes, light yellowish-brown or grayish brown in skin, light vertical wrinkles or irregular vertical sulcus, sturdy, yellowish-white to dark brown section, and bitter taste. And the better ones are those with stronger tuber and solid quality.
What is it used for?
It is sweet, bitter, and slight warm in nature and connects to lung meridian. Main indications include moistening and descending the lung Qi to stop cough, and killing parasites. In terms of coughing, it is dedicated to all no matter it is acute and chronic, Tuberculosis, or whooping cough. In particular, honeyed one is good at curing cough caused by lung deficiency. As for killing parasite, it is suitable for head lice, body louse, pinworms, and vaginal itching. Regular dosage is from 3 to 9 grams.