Two bean-shaped organs called kidney located on either side of the spine. Important jobs of the kidneys are to remove waste from the blood (urea, salt, and excess water), maintain body's fluid balance, control blood pressure, govern red blood cells, and acid neutralization.
The kidney reflexes are on right and left feet; located at the waistline near the base of the second metatarsals. Similar to the kidney's location in the body, the kidney reflexes are on either side of the spine reflexes; right side kidney below liver is lower than the left side.
How to do reflexology therapy for the kidney?
Using two thumbs together, pull apart with a gentle pressure to reach the kidney and adrenal reflexes. Do for 10 seconds.
Rotate the kidney reflex point with the right thumb. Work on this reflex helps cut body pain and support body to cope with stress.
Using the right thumb, rotate the kidney reflex point. Reflexology therapy for kidney helps to relieve body pains and cope with stress.