If the patient is not experiencing the immediate reaction, you might observe Intermediate reactions in his body after two or three days of treatment, These reactions encounter one or more of the following below reactions mentioned below.
1. An increase in the urinary output.
2. An increase in the bulk and, sometimes, frequency of stools.
3. Occasionally, a feeling of mild pain and general malaise in the body, with or without fever.
4. An increase in the activity of the skin, with increased perspiration, which is sometimes malodorous.
5. An increase in the secretions from the mucous membranes of nose, pharynx and bronchi, signifying a cleansing process.
These are merely signs of a re-activation of body’s defense forces that are trying to eliminate toxins and waste materials accumulated in the body. These unpleasant reactions are purely temporary, do not permanently harm and, therefore, should cause no alarms.