The spinal column divides the physical body in two; right and left. Similarly, the spine reflexes divided into two present in the right and the left feet.
The spinal reflexes are on the medial side, from the big toe until heel bone through arch bone. Feel this arch bone, by tracing on the medial side of the foot.
How to do reflexology therapy for the vertebrae column?
1. Reflexology for Cervical vertebrae: Hold the foot with the left hand; using the right thumb, walk downwards from the big toe top edge until base. To cover the entire cervical vertebrae takes seven bites (walking step). Repeat walking three or five times.
2. Reflexology for Thoracic vertebrae: Continue walking downward for 12 bites to cover 12 thoracic vertebrae. Should end on a bone called the navicular. Repeat walking twice. Apply gentle pressure to avoid healing-crisis reaction; instead, may increase the treatment frequency by 3 to 4 times a week.
3. Reflexology for Lumber vertebrae: Continue walking downwards for 5-bites to cover five lumbar vertebrae, until reaching a point straight below the medial malleolus. Repeat walking two times.
4. Reflexology for Sacral vertebrae: Continue walking downwards five bites to cover the five sacral spines. Repeat walking twice. Reflexology therapy for sacral reflexes reduces the lower backache pain.
5. Reflexology for Coccyx vertebrae: Continue walking downwards three bites towards the heel bone. Repeat walking three times.
Spinal friction is a special technique; it stimulates & warm the spinal column. Place the hand palm on the inner edge of the foot and rub it. Before and after the spinal column reflexology therapy, perform spinal friction technique.