The cardiac reflexes are the heart and blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries). The heart is one of the strongest body muscle. From the veins, it pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs. Also from lungs, it pumps oxygenated blood to arteries.
How to do reflexology therapy for the cardiac?
Hold the foot with the left hand; walk from zone 5 until zone 1/2, in three rows using the right thumb. The first row is below the general eye and ear reflex. Then, each row is below the previous one until reaching the diaphragm line.
How to do reflexology therapy for the heart?
Hold left foot with the left hand; for heart reflexes, move right thumb straight below the fourth toe until before diaphragm line. Press & rotate this point. Next, place the right index finger on the dorsal (top) aspect corresponding to the thumb. Apply pressure with the index finger.
Pulmonary circulation circulates blood between heart and lungs to oxygenate the blood. Reflexology therapy for lungs helps the lung to work at its optimal level. Thus, blood gets proper oxygenation. To learn more, visit respiratory system reflexology therapy.
Hepatic portal circulates the blood through the liver. For proper detoxification of blood, liver should work to its ideal level and liver reflex therapy can help. Reflexology therapy for the liver helps the liver to work to its optimal level. Thus, helps the liver to perform proper detoxification of the blood. To learn more, visit digestive system reflexology therapy.
Reflexology therapy for solar plexus encourage deep relaxation; thus, gets optimal blood circulation. To learn more, visit the digestive system reflexology therapy.