To improve over all skin health you can access the thyroid gland. It will help you to balance your skin condition and provide you with better health. This point can be found in the joint of your big toe. Sit in a relaxed position and hold your right leg with your hands. Place your thumb on the joint between the big toe and second toe. Press it gently for 7 to 8 minutes till you feel relaxed.
You can also use your index finger to hold the joint together. This will allow you to put more pressure to the point. Repeat the same procedure with the left leg. This reflex point is great to treat all kinds of disorders as it will nourish the skin thoroughly from the inside.
Liver Point:
All skin conditions relate to disorders in the liver. By accessing the liver reflex point, the liver will function properly by nourishing the skin to the maximum. You will find the liver reflex point right above the wrist and under the little finger. It is a slightly fleshy area in the hand. Hold this point with your thumb. Rub it in and out with pressure for 5 minutes.
You will notice a few points to be sore. Work on these points for another 3 minutes and switch to the next hand. You will witness immense change in your skin in just a few weeks time, if you massage this point everyday.