Excessive sweating can make a handshake an embarrassing and dreaded event. It can make wearing shoes with out socks inconceivable and changing bed sheets in the middle of the night a normal occurrence.While sweating is natural and healthy, excessive perspiration, known as hyperhidrosis, affects over three percent of the population and can cause great distress. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are extremely successful in the treatment of sweating. In fact, how one sweats is a key factor in identifying disharmony within the body. Sweat is considered a fundamental substance in Chinese medical text and is studied in-depth. While sweating disorders can be treated with surgery and drugs, it is worthwhile to know that there is an alternative to invasive and often risky procedures and medications.If you have the Symptoms of Sweating Syndrome--Excessive sweating, we would say herbal medicine is a safe and effective form of treatment. At TCM Window, we offer relaxing treatments and expert guidance through the whole process. We specialize in different kinds of chronic and difficult miscellaneous diseases, we offer the best possible care in a peaceful and welcoming environment. If you would want our expert to create a TCM diagnosis, please fill out the health form as requested.