Vaginal infections can cause a variety of symptoms including feelings of itchiness, dryness, pain, burning and irritation in the pelvic region. Sometimes the vagina can appear swollen and is often sensitive to touch. The vulvar region is often affected and women may complain of symptoms in the vagina and on the vulvar regions. The tissues may be red, swollen and the labia majora and minor (vulvar lips) may also be irritated and sensitive to touch. A vaginal yeast infection is caused by a type of yeast called candida albicans. It can cause severe itchiness that occurs along with a thick, white cottage cheese-like lumpy discharge. Painful intercourse may also occur and it is not considered a sexually transmitted infection.If you have the Symptoms of Intermenstrual Bleeding--Vaginitis, we would say herbal medicine is a safe and effective form of treatment. At TCM Window, we offer relaxing treatments and expert guidance through the whole process. We specialize in different kinds of chronic and difficult miscellaneous diseases, we offer the best possible care in a peaceful and welcoming environment. If you would want our expert to create a TCM diagnosis, please fill out the health form as requested.