In the condition known as Meniére's Disease, the fluid volume in the semicircular canals is increased, leading to elevated pressure. Typically, this causes attacks of dizziness (or vertigo), creating a feeling of violent spinning or rotation, whirling and falling. This is usually the most disabling and distressing symptom of Meniére's Disease.
During these attacks of dizziness in the early stages of the disorder, hearing in the low ranges usually deteriorates and returns to normal or near normal after an attack. While the frequency and duration of attacks vary between individuals, these episodes usually re-occur over a few years. Once the disease is established however, hearing loss may fail to recover fully after an attack. In the later stages of the disease, hearing loss is relatively constant and irreversible, and affects hearing in all ranges.
If you have the Symptoms of Meniere's Disease--Nystagmus, we would say herbal medicine is a safe and effective form of treatment. At TCM Window, we offer relaxing treatments and expert guidance through the whole process. We specialize in different kinds of chronic and difficult miscellaneous diseases, we offer the best possible care in a peaceful and welcoming environment. If you would want our expert to create a TCM diagnosis, please fill out the health form as requested.