A nose that is itchy is one of the irritating problems that an individual can develop, especially when the need to scratch cannot be stopped. An itchy nose normally is caused by one of two situations – the common cold or allergies.
Itchy Nose Causes
An itchy nose can be caused by allergy and during allergy season will cause misery to many people. Having an allergic reaction causes the chemical histamine to be released and this chemical is responsible for the symptoms that are experienced with allergies. It can cause nasal discharge, scratchy throat, itchy eyes and itchy nose.
Histamine also is the cause of many of the symptoms which are uncomfortable and can occur with not only seasonal allergies but also with food allergies and allergic reactions to stings from bees or wasp. In some very hazardous cases, histamine can cause a perilous swelling of the throat as well as problems breathing, when an allergic person experiences a bee or wasp sting. This normally does not occur with seasonal allergies.
An itchy nose can often be the first symptom of a common cold developing. Another cause of an itchy nose can be lack of humidity in the environment where a person works or lives. This can cause nasal passages to dry out causing irritation – much as in the common cold. If the itchy nose is also runny and stuffy and the individual is sneezing a lot, it could be a condition referred to as rhinitis which not only develops with a cold but also with allergies. With rhinitis the blood vessels as well as the tissues of the nasal passages are inflamed.
Itchy Nose Treatment
If an individual visits their primary care physician with symptoms that include an itchy nose, the physician will first need to decide if this is caused by allergies or a cold. She/he will examine the individual as well as note any further symptoms. For allergies, the physician will normally prescribe medications such as nasal spray, oral medication such as an antihistamine or an ointment that contains an antihistamine. The physician may also recommend a vasoconstrictor nose spray that can be obtained OTC (over the counter). This medication efficiently counters the symptoms that occur with rhinitis. There is one problem that an individual using a vasoconstrictor nasal spray needs to be aware of – it should not be used for more than three to four days as it could cause what is referred to as "rebound congestion" when you discontinue use and your nose will become clogged up anew and in some cases even worse.