Frequent urination means needing to urinate more often than usual. Urgent urination is a sudden, compelling urge to urinate, along with discomfort in your bladder. A frequent need to urinate at night is called nocturia. Most people can sleep for 6 to 8 hours without having to urinate. Middle aged and older men often wake to urinate once in the early morning hours. Symptoms of urgent urination include:
--Frequency: urinating more than eight times during the day or more than once overnight
--Hesitancy: incomplete evacuation of the bladder during each episode of urination. There may be a sudden stoppage of the urine flow due to spasms in the bladder or urethra or there may be difficulty starting the flow of urine.
--Urgency: the uncomfortable feeling of pressure in the bladder that makes you feel you have to go "right now"
--Urinary incontinence: the inability to control the flow of urine, leading to either constant or intermittent accidental leakage
--Dysuria: pain or burning sensation during or immediately following urination. This may be a sign of a urinary tract infection.
--Hematuria: Blood in the urine can be small amounts, clots, or very bloody. This will usually cause the urine to appear darker in color.
--Nocturia: This is having to wake up to urinate. It can also be associated with nighttime urinary incontinence.