2. The Posture of Meditation Sitting Freely
Sit on the floor. If the floor is too hard, sit on a stool or cushion. Cross your legs naturally, with your knees not flat on the floor. Try to be in a comfortable position facing south. Keep both arms in a circle and remain relaxed, with your palms on top of one another, facing upwards, and ', the right palm above the left one. (Fig. 3 -1)
Sitting Flatly
Sit on a chair or a wide bench with both feet placed on the floor as wide as your shoulders. Keep the knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Place both palms on top of your thighs, near to the knees, with palms facing up (Fig. 3-2) or down (Fig. 3-3). Close your eyes lightly or keep them open. While you are sitting, keep your head erect and your neck relaxed, your body upright in a balanced position. Do not lean forward, back, left or right. Tuck your chin in and close your mouth with your teeth touching lightly and the tip of your tongue lightly touching the upper palette. Relax your face muscles, keeping a serene expression. Shoulders, arms, elbows and wrists should be relaxed. Keep your chest relaxed and in a little. Your back, while you tuck your chest in a little, should stretch out slightly, maintaining an upright and relaxed position. Your lower abdomen (Dantian) should be loosened and settled, with the perineum (Huiyin) lifted up slightly (the Huiyin is located between the genitals and the anus). Click here to learn Hydronephrosis in TCM.