[Location] Localized in the erect sitting position. It has two points, the first Xinming is in the decoct later of auricle, the middle point of the skinfold behind the ear lobe or at the point that 0.5 cun above the introcesslon between temporal apophsis and the posterior border of mandibular angle. The second Xinming is in frontal region, 1 cun above tip of brow, and 0.5 cun out from it. (Fig.82)
[Regional Anatomy] Xingming-1 : Skin→subcutaneous tissue→parotid. Superficial layer, the distribution of great auricular nerve, the subordiantial ramus of external jugular vein; deep layer, auricular artery from the carotid artery, and cranial nerve. Xingmlng-2: Skin→subcutaneous tissue→galea aponeurotica of the superior border of the temporal muscle→loose connective tissue of membranaceous tendon→periosteum of skull. The distribution of branches of auriculotemporal nerve, temporal branches of facial nerve, frontal branch of temporal artery and vein.