Points: Dazhui (GV 14), Shanzhu (GV 12), Dazhu (BL 11), Fengmen (BL 12) and Feishu (BL 13)
Technique: The prone position is selected and the cups in moderate or big size are applied on the points for 20 minutes and no blisters happen. Such a method is for treating the common cold due to wind and cold, and the moving cupping method on the Governor Vessel and Bladder meridian is applicable. The cup is sucked on Dazhui (GV 14) and moved down slowly along the Governor Vessel to Zhiyang (GV 9) and back up to Dazhui (GV 14), and this movement is repeated six to eight times until the skin is red or congested.
Finally, the cup is retained on Dazhui (GV 14). The same method is also applied on Fengmen (BL 10) along the Bladder meridian, between Fengmen (BL 12) and Geshu (BL17) and finally the cup is retained on Fengmen (BL 12) for 10 minutes. Before the moving cupping technique is applied, some cream should be applied on the skin to prevent skin injury.