( GV-5 Suspended Pivot XUANSHU - Acupuncture Points ) On the midline, below the spinous process of the 1st lumbar vertebra (L1).
How to find
For orientation in the lumbar region, first, locate the Tuffier’s line by placing both hands directly superior and lateral to the two highest points on the iliac crest, joining the thumbs on the midline. The Tuffier’s line generally intersects with the spinous process of L4. (Note: Anatomical orientation in the lumbar region is dependent on the patient’s position; for more detail on differential orientation) From there, count up to the spinous process of L1 and locate GV-5 on the midline, below its spinous process. Or: Use the spinous process of T7 (inferior angle of the scapula) for reference.
Located on the same level are a point of -- Ex-B-2/BL-22/BL-51/Ex-B-4 (0.5/1.5/3/3.5 cun lateral to the midline).
0.5–1 cun strictly vertically to the skin or obliquely in an inferior direction, with the patient’s back straight or flexed in order to avoid puncturing the spinal canal. Oblique insertions should only be carried out by experienced practitioners, as in small persons (irrespective of their body weight), the spinal canal may be reached after only 1.25 cun.
Opens the channel
Regulates Qi in the Lower Burner