( GV-3 Lumbar Yang Gate YAOYANGGUAN - Acupuncture Points ) On the midline, below the spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebra (L4).
How to find
For orientation in the lumbar region, first, locate the Tuffier’s line (a line connecting the two most superior points on the iliac crest), which generally intersects with the spinous process of L4. (Note: Point location in the lumbar region is dependent on the patient’s position; for more detail on orientation). Locate Du-3 on the midline, below the spinous process of L4.
Located on the same level are a point of -- Ex-B-2/BL-25/Ex-B-6/Ex-B-7 (0.5/1.5/3/3.5 cun lateral to the midline).
0.5–1 cun strictly vertically to the skin or obliquely in an inferior direction (generally, there is only danger of accidental puncture of the spinal canal from the level of L2 in a cranial direction).
Dispels Wind, Cold and Dampness
Regulates Qi in the Lower Burner, strengthens the Original Qi (yuan qi).
Special features
Important local point for combined back and leg pain.