Since whooping cough is highly contagious, it’s in your best interest to fight the infection and treat symptoms. When you want to enhance the healing process, consider the following home remedies for whooping cough:
a) Turmeric Powder and Honey:
Mix one tablespoon of honey and 1/4 tablespoon of turmeric powder to create a soothing remedy for whooping cough. Take one tablespoon of the mixture every day that symptoms linger.
Turmeric Powder
b) No Irritants in the Air:
Irritants in the air can trigger a coughing spell. Try to keep the air free of aerosol sprays, tobacco smoke, and smoke from cooking. Fireplaces and wood-burning stoves also place irritants in the air that can affect a whooping cough patient.
c) Wash Hands:
Washing your hands often will help prevent the transmission of the infection to others.
d) Mask:
Wearing a mask and covering the mouth when around others will help eliminate the spread of whooping cough.
e) Load Up on Fluids:
Prevent the dehydration that may accompany whooping cough by drinking juice and sipping on soup. It’s important to keep a lookout for signs of dehydration in children, such as dry lips and infrequent urination.
f) Water:
Drink plenty of water (a natural expectorant) throughout the day to help thin mucus and soften the cough. Aim for drinking more than 8 to 10 glasses of water per day.
g) Small Meals:
To prevent vomiting associated with whooping cough, offer children smaller, more frequent meals.
h) Onion:
To make a natural cough syrup, combine raw onion juice with honey. Set the mixture aside for 3 to 4 hours. Use this home remedy for whooping cough on a daily basis – take one teaspoon per day.
i) Hot Packs:
Enjoy temporary relief from whooping cough by placing a hot pack on the throat and chest.
j) Eucalyptus:
Add a couple of drops of eucalyptus to a carrier oil (such as almond or jojoba) to create a soothing rub for your chest.