It belongs to the field of "mammary abscess" in TCM. The disease occurs because of stagnation of liver-qi caused by depressing and anger, or heat accumulate in stomach meridian. The treatment principle is heat-clearing, detoxicating, detumescence and eliminating stagnation.
Location cupped and methods:
Acupoints selected: Dazhui, Dashu, Jianjing, Geshu, Ganshu, panguangshu, yaoshu, shanzhong, rugen, juque, qimen, liangqiu, fenglong.
Cupping methods:
1. Acucupping: after disinfecting of the acupoints of ganshu, shanzong, qimen, rugen, jianjing as well as the regional tumours, you should stab them with acupuncture needles. Then, you should adopt cupping after flash of fire cupping when you remove the needles.
2. Cupping of venesection: after disinfecting of the acupoints of ganshu, geshu, shanzong, juque, qimen, rugen, liangqiu, fenglong, you should stab them with three-edged needles until bleeding. Then, you should adopt cupping after flash of fire cupping when you remove the needles.
3. Moving cupping: you should move the cup back and forth along from dazhui of du meridian to yaoshu as well as from the urinary bladder vessel of foot-taiyang of dashu to pangguangshu, and then stab the regional tumours with triangle-edged needles and pull out the extravasated blood or liquor puris with cupping.